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This is an excellent resource for outer planet transits: Jupiter through Pluto. Similarly, you may have believed that once you "arrived" at some key milestone in your career, many of your problems would magically be over. You find yourself especially idealistic, romantic, and charming. It is common for Neptunes influence to be a confusing one in the first portion of the transit. There is a strong desire for peace and harmony, and perhaps some sense that you have to make sacrifices for that end. You now adopt more idealistic philosophies and spiritual views of the world. Moon Opposite Pluto Natal and Transit: Becoming More Mature - HoroscopeJoy Details can be glossed over in favor of the bigger picture, and you can find it hard to stick to systems or schedules. Your desires are tender and compassionate. +Problems could lose some of their definition and appear less difficult now. Yet, the real fundamental issue isn't with whom you share your generosity, so much as how you . What begins as confusion can eventually actually augment our perception and our understanding. Neptune Square Ascendant Aspects Natal and Transit - Neptune Transits Opposition Jupiter Learning to trust in yourself is essential to developing a positive self-image. You can be emotionally restless, but what it is you actually want is hard to pinpoint. What do you thing will happen? Your writing and/or speech may become more poetic. Neptune square Ascendant transit could add confusion and possibly deception to your one-to-one relationships. Welcome to Neptune Square Neptune. You are responsive to all things pleasurable, possibly to the point of carelessness or laziness when it comes to tending to practical affairs. This is something I have noticed with the slower moving planets-Pluto and Neptune-they affect you strongly at the beginning of the transit-while you are still getting used to their foreign vibration, after a year or so of their influence you are so soaked and penetrated with a feeling of the planet that it becomes a second nature to you-something like a background and you feel like it`s always been there. Neptune transits to Mercury directly affect your curiosity, learning, communication skills, self-promotion, the formulation of ideas, and your ability to rationalize and think logically. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. What does Mercury rule in your chart? As you chase something different, unusual, and otherworldly, you may lack discrimination in your choices of purchases, people, and pleasures. If you resist the process, youll find a host of Neptune problems plaguing you: losing the car keys, forgetting to pay the electric bill, having the attention span of a three-year-old on a sugar jag. leighton buzzard observer recent obituaries Self-employment or working at home is the better way to go. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are more tolerant of others and less pushy. Jupiter Square Ascendant Aspects Natal and Transit - There is a danger that you will be more impressionable, and this could lead to deceit from others if you are not careful. One day it all got upside down! Strange, unusual, even obsessive, feelings grip you now. When the transit of Neptune square to my Ascendant first came into orb, there was something in life I had really been aspiring towards which, due to circumstances beyond my control, then couldnt happen. During this period you have a heightened sensitivity to everything around you at times an almost mystical sense of oneness or communion. Neptune Transits Square Midheaven Contact us. Because of your increased sympathetic awareness of others unspoken feelings and states of being, you feel more compassion and a greater desire to assist them. Neptune = blue. The values you have cherished to date may change quite dramatically now, or you might be tempted to throw them away, or bend your morals, in pursuit of some pleasure or fantasy. Neptune transits sextile or trine Mercury. Your inner world is so full its brimming over, overflowing its banks into your daily life. Transit Neptune Trine Natal Uranus ~ Higher Consciousness - AstroMatrix Energy levels may be low or up-and-down, and you might be more inclined towards laziness or passivityjust letting things happen without fighting back. So all the ups and downs of Neptune were there! Neptune Transits to Natal Ascendant - Perhaps it's because the flickering perceptions in your head are often more compelling than the consensual reality that nearly everyone else seems to talk about. Others are more willing to give you advice and criticism because you are not as rigid and defensive as usual. Jupiter Square Ascendant Transit. So using how others perceive you to understand yourself can further distort and weaken your self-image. +Misguided idealism and false spirituality could find you ignoring responsibilities in favor of a lot of high-sounding talk. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. A state of bliss that was overflowing, a very intimate and mystical experience. Contact. Neptune transcends beyond the material. You may undergo a crisis of identity during the initial stages of this transit, and the experiences you have may lead you to a more refined understanding of yourself and the direction in which you want to head. From our Time Line Forecast Report. But theres an alternative: trust the process. This period of time will bring significant challenge to the way you approach getting what you want out of life, and how your actions impact other people and your relationships. So all the ups and downs of Neptune were there! *Major changes in your career occur at this time. This aspect causes messages to get jumbled up, which works both ways. A general description of transiting Neptune excerpt from the Sky Log report: The planet Neptune is presently tinting and shading your biography, adding its dreamlike quality to the existential stew. The text below is the interpretation of Neptune transit when Square Ascendant. In fact, this can feel very much like emotional commotion until you accept that the essential purpose of this transit is to open up your feelings in order for you to ultimately become more compassionate, emotionally aware, and devoted. Either you idealize them, or they were somehow absent or distant (physically or mentally) from you. Subconscious signals like facial expressions, body language, and even thoughts and feelings are often more important than words are for communicating. You are prone to shoot for the stars now, but never get off the ground. You are in a transition phase where you are more concerned with really bringing your ideals and dreams down to earth and implementing them in your life. You may also experience this lesson by feeling captivated by a new and idealistic venture that inspires you to change your whole approach to your work. Some more Interpretations of Transit Neptune Square Ascendant from our astrology reports and readings: Found the reading dead-on. I was feeling really happy in my own world, I got much more sensitve and would see beauty and mysticism in the most mundane things. Neptune Trine Ascendant Natal and Transit - Astrology King You can be extra sensitive and impressionable during this transit. When Neptune went direct again, closer it got to my Asc, chest infection re-emerged, becoming worse as aspect became exact. I just realised there will be a Jupiter in Virgo opposition to the Neptune in Pisces, this will be Nep conjunct my natal Moon, and Jup-Nep t-squaring my nodes. This is a karmic aspect, so you may . Then maybe you have a rare and long Neptune transit! Consequently, your work and career gain a greater dimension of meaningfulness and importance to you. It is better to ignore them because they could confuse you about who you are and where you are going. You are responsive to all things pleasurable, possibly to the point of carelessness or laziness when it comes to tending to practical affairs. This is a good time to learn about feng shui, the Chinese art of creating harmonious, life-enhancing spaces to live or work in. Otherwise, they will think the worst and not believe you. You might make embarrassing errors, neglect important details, or you could carry some delusions now. At the very least, you have your finger on the pulse of what others want to hear and learn. You can be highly creative and inspired under this influence, but you could also be overly sensitive, touchy, or impractical now. Force yourself to consider practical matters, even though you may resist it, while opening your heart to new possibilities. We need only exceed our previous best efforts at caring for them, and let the results be as they are. Astrolada. You will be feeling much more trusting and idealistic and this . had transiting Neptune semi square my Asc for last 18 months. Neptune = blue. You may think someone is trying to deceive you when they are only trying to save you. You are more idealistic than usual, which can cause a few problems if youre not careful. Fears or worries may be too vague to define but persistent at this time. Therefore, it is not a good time to enter into contracts or business partnerships. You may speculate, gamble, or put all your eggs in one basket. You may gloss over important details and practical concerns in favor of idealistic visions and perceptions. They may get the wrong idea about you. You should be more vigilant with plans, ventures, or schemes that have unrealistic components to them. This is in stark contrast to Saturns transits, which re-connect us to the tangible, material world. What does Venus rule in your chart? Mould opinions. While giving your heart to someone may feel wonderful and it might lead to a wonderful experience, it might also end up being a big learning experience if you are not also considering practical and realistic matters. Close your eyes; theres a world in there. Your ability to discriminate is compromised, simply because Neptunes energy lacks definition and boundaries. You might find yourself losing your resolve or determination to take care of business and get things accomplished. This problem is particularly strong if you have not been honest with yourself, kidding yourself about where your current life is leading you, or ignoring your dreams and ideals because you feel they are unrealistic. Pretty innocent and typical Neptunian influence so far! How well you handle this depends on how comfortable you are with exploring the supernatural or spiritual realm. I was praying a lot more with real emotion in my heart and was feeling triumphant that I am attracting only the spiritual and elevating influences of the planet. However, you can also find yourself mentally lazy and passive, finding it hard to concentrate on mundane matters. It is better to ignore them because they could confuse you about who you are and where you . You are also likely to form relationships with people based on a deep level of mutual appreciation and understanding for each other. This can be a time of illusions and confusion, or it can be a very inspired time. You seek out more expansive, magical, spiritual, and rousing experiences. Yoga, meditation, or spiritual studies can be appealing now. Everything seems less solid and definite. This transit tries to dissolve your worldly ego, so you may feel insecure, unworthy or undeserving. The transits of the north node are not necessarily easy. Some unusual or unexpected problems with the mother, important women in your life, and/or your domestic life may occur during the course of the transit. And yes, in a way, this Neptune-Node transit can indicate a dissolving of what has been the overt direction of your life to this point. Say yes to your silly desire to paint, or write poetry, or to use your imagination in creative ways that may be new to you. The need to get away from it all for some peace and quiet now and again will be strong. You may sense what others are repressing. Translate your empathy and charitable feelings into acts of generosity and kindness. For all, its a period in which a no-nonsense, overly practical, or overly sexual approach to relationships is now seen as crude and unsatisfying. Being highly attuned to unspoken cues/vibes etc can also lead to artistic/musical/acting inspiration you hint at this towards the end but the rest is pretty negative. A classic transit bible. Neptune Transits Opposition Midheaven I thought I had evolved beyond Neptune`s more mundane faces. Everyday life seems drab and dreary to you now, and you explore bigger, more exciting, more exotic alternatives. This transit can also do a number to your value system. You may, for example, be inclined to take shortcuts or to not know where you are headed exactly, and attract negative influences as a result. Others may or may not be dishonest, but since its difficult for you to see your own goals clearly now, you probably will not get what you want. But you must be sure that more of your psychic and emotional energy is in greeting people and situations as they are, not only appreciating them when ideal or perfect. Pluto provokes us to change, to shake the foundations of our beliefs, to create and destroy for the better. *Some adjustments in the way you express yourself and treat others are required now. Easy come, easy go. As the emotional pipelines open up and the emotional walls come down, you can become more vulnerable to deception. Your desires are tender and compassionate. +There could be a tendency to view your accomplishments as having almost no substance during this time. This can cause misperceptions and a lack of trust in your close relationships. Let the images come. I would also add that I have had to let go of who I thought myself to be. In practical and sensible ways, you struggle to rein in your visions, dreams, imaginings, ideas, and flashes of psychic insight. Others may complain that you are not sincere with them, you are too domineering or passive, or unfair in some respect. I was very confused and depressed during this time. Most astrologers nowadays regard the term 'prediction' as something of a misnomer, as modern astrology does not claim to directly predict future events as such. And, while opening your heart to new possibilities, be sure to use some common sense. You may also experience more clearly the powerful affects of music, color, and atmospheres on your mood and sense of well-being. Even if one of you is doing it for the other persons good, the other will still be hurt by having a secret kept from them, and this will weaken the relationship. You may find that you were trying to hold on to something that was not worth it. Remind yourself that every problem has a solution. A state of bliss that was overflowing, a very intimate and mystical experience. A person who needs your help may also enter your life, but you must be careful that it does not become an unhealthy dependency that is difficult to break. But Neptune, transiting through sensitive territories for you now, is fixing that. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Identifying a great romantic-marital relationship with astrology If you attract dishonest people, look within yourself to find the reason for this. The Mystery of VIRGO: Gods most beloved Sign, 10% of Astroladas profit goes to LightSource Charity. Someone may be lying to you, but you are not sure who. This emotional serenity, although subtle, helps you solve problems naturally and intuitively. Saturn Square Neptune Natal and Transit: The Power of Honesty Neptune Transits Square Ascendant I agree pay attention to your dreams. Neptune Square Ascendant Natal and Transit - Astrology King Youll likely experience many dead-ends or even failures but at the end of this cycle, youre often exactly where you need to be. The best way to handle this aspect is to be honest, and straightforward with people. *Your imagination is stirred, you feel inspired, restless, and ready for bigger and better things in your life. had Spielberg and a few other Hollywood names in that game, which could last a few days. Saturn Square Neptune Natal and Transit - Astrology King why is my tiktok sound delayed iphone; is lena from lisa and lena lgbtq; charleston county school district staff directory This transit is similar to the ascendant in that it clouds a person with a much more sensitive and softer energy. both teams to receive a card bet365 Neptune transits conjunct Mercury Your thinking process becomes more animated, imaginative, and spirited during this transit. The Moon is responsible for our feelings, mood swings, domestic chores, memories and motherly energy. When people challenge you, consider it a test of your convictions. However, it can help you transcend mundane things and allow you to flow into higher, enlightening experiences. Be careful dealing with any people in business related to your goals. Self delusion. The text below is the interpretation of Neptune transits square Uranus. You perhaps often struggle with disappointment, because rarely do your achievements materialize in the glamorous way you initially envision them. You may use others as a mirror to judge yourself. Their failures may not be extremely bad, but it is your refusal to accept the truth that can complicate your life, because when you finally see the truth, you will be disappointed. The dreams can be bad. Recognizing that you need more on a spiritual level can help you handle the transit more constructively. I respect and use the old systems but how can you deny something when it hits you personally and you feel its mighty presence with every fibre in your body! You may behave in an impractical manner, or you may be vulnerable to deception or betrayal from others. That happens moment by moment. I became much more feminine and wanted to project a vulnerable image-So I got my self lacy dresses, pinks, whites, frills, flower patterns, flowing silks! Thanks to Neptune square Ascendant, it's difficult for you to know when and if you've "arrived" with your career aspirations. This inner confusion will color the way you appear to other people and theyll indeed see you as being lost now. You could be undergoing confusion about what you want from life, where you are headed, and how to go about satisfying your ego. Supervisors, employers, employees, and co-workers show that they will extend themselves and make sacrifices when the chips are down. October 4, 2019. Keep a journal of your fantasies, dreams, visions. You are opening up your heart, which can also mean you are more vulnerable to romantic illusions. Neptune takes approximately 164 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. This combination symbolizes a state of dynamic tension between your day-to-day stream of consciousness and your more refined artistic, imaginative, and idealistic side. When Neptune square ascendant is in transit, you may not be as on the ball as you usually are; the purpose of this transit is to open your eyes to how deception takes place in your day to day life. Mystical feelings of closeness with family or others. But that does not mean your overall life purpose has changed. And yes, in a way, this Neptune-Node transit can indicate a dissolving of what has been the overt direction of your life to this point. This transit can also produce important psychic experiences and transcend your personal life to a higher and more spiritual level. Neptune Square Ascendant Natal and Transit, Solar Eclipse April 20, 2023 Crisis of Confidence, Saturn Sextile Midheaven Natal and Transit, Mercury Retrograde April 21, 2023 Psychic Talent, Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit. You may discover your own psychic or clairvoyant talents during this transit. You are more sensitive than ever to emotional stimulus at this time, as your love and pleasure nature is heightened, open, and perhaps vulnerable to influence. This, however, is not always the case, but there is a shedding of the ego that takes . Loved it! Neptune transits to the Moon directly affect the feelings, the public image, and personal popularity. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. We might attract challenging situations or relationships into our lives because of a deep longing for more drama or glamor in our lives, or for a soulmate connection. You feel everything in your environment more strongly. You simply let it in. If the Sun is involved, we dont know where we are heading and we have a hard time defining what we want and where we want to go. And, while opening your heart to new possibilities, be sure to use some common sense. Slow down. People and things you wish to keep in your life may be removed; Neptune energy wants you to become aware of how you allow your ego or the . This is a good time to let go of things from your past that are holding you back. Neptune Transits Conjunct Midheaven This is an excellent time to travel or go on vacation. You may have trouble focusing on the practical daily matters because you are . You may have a hard time drumming up the confidence to move forward. We know his Neptune is conj the IC, an indication of the character of the Mother, and his Saturn is conj the MC, where you find the Father, Pierre. *You approach your work and important projects with an unusual degree of imagination, idealism, and optimism now. Someone may sense your insufficient experience or lack of confidence in a certain area and try to rip you off. The pleasures of life are experienced fully. You're likely to be tasked with the opportunity to help a family member or colleague in need. Transiting Neptune square the natal north node/ascentant Any relationships that remain should be those that help you free yourself and enrich your inner spirit. Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem. Are you and your love interest meant to be? You may feel distraught, lonely, or misunderstood by others as you seek something more from your life. Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem. You can understand deeper aspects of your relationships, as well as be more compassionate to others shortcomings and help them. Neptune Transits: Conjunct Square or Opposite - Blogger I can relate to what youve written here regarding the Neptune square transit. You may be wrong about why someone likes or dislikes you. How do you receive the message? You are able to see your work in better perspective.

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