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Sometimes the ears will both stand but other times one ear may be crooked. They too have a breed standard for the Doberman (available here). So glad this horrible, unnecessary process is now illegal in most of Europe. Un-cropped ears are often referred to as "natural" but that does not mean it is actually natural. Dont buy it. Fences and kennels do the same without the pain for the dog. The look for the breed is meant to be regal, also described as "the look of eagles." At about 8-10 weeks age (give or take depending on their genetics and quality of nutrition) the ear cartilage begins How much pain do yo think a dog is due for a cosmetic procedure? Because the Dobermans ears are thin and flap around, they were cropped for primarily safety reasons. Scuffles during work can lead to serious injuries, including a torn or cut ear. If a thief tries to grab the money bag from the tax collector, the Doberman is expected to chase and attack. Ear cropping a Doberman for cosmetic reasons is considered cruel and unnecessary in many parts of the world. The operation requires anesthesia and the puppy must be kept from eating for approximately 12 hours prior to surgery. It is thought that the purpose of this procedure was The medium crop is the final option of the three Doberman ear cropping styles. Its my hope in this article to outline the real-world pros and cons of getting your Dobermans ears cropped, along with my experience with my Dobermans, so you can decide whats best for you and your dog. DT members have helped countless new Dobe puppy owners make posting cropped ears a pleasant and successful experience. Floppy ears are a natural occurrence. A opinion is cake is better than ice cream if you believe their is not a single thing wrong with this, get help. We travel 7 hours one way to dr. Anne midgarden to have our european doberman for sale cropped. I would say its entirely different as those people make their own decisions and choose to have their body modified according to their own reasoning and it makes them happy. Dog Wellness: Great Tips To Help Your Dog Stay Happy And Healthy, Old Beagle: What You Need To Know As Your Dog Ages, Miniature Poodle Traits, Care and Personality. A Dobermans ears are cropped by veterinarians familiar with the procedure under full anesthesia. As an Amazon Associate Doberman Planet LLC earns from qualifying purchases. This answer is one that most people are completely unaware of. There is no requirement stating owners have to crop their Dobermans ears. When they pop out or after the amount of WHAT ABOUT TAIL DOCKING? Next, clean your puppys ears with ear cleanser and cotton balls. Owners are responsible for post-operative care that can last for many months. There are many methods of aftercare. So in other words, you can expect a Doberman in the show ring to get penalized for not having cropped ears, but its not an automatic disqualifier. No one said it wasnt. How much pain is hotly debated by both sides of this issue. I dont pressure or judge anyone based on their style preference. Expect the cropping and healing process to last 3 weeks or so. Since Dobermans are stoic dogs, its unclear how much pain or distress is experienced by a Doberman who has had their ears cropped. dogs ears. Like tail docking, clipping dogs ears is standard practice in some breeds in the USA. They will also go to great lengths to try and convince you to share their point of view. Not afraid to come to me asking for love and attention . WebThe ideal age for a Doberman is 7-9 weeks of age, before the ear cartilage begins hardening. Keep the ears dry. If the ears get wet, rewrap them with dry tape. Nor neutered. Although we often laugh at the prospect of seeing our Doberman Pups with cups on their heads, it really is the easiest way to keep the ears upright while they heal. Puppies can look pretty cute with those floppy ears of theirs. all rights reserved. When hunting has been the culture among IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the map above is a good general reference, its important to do your own research in regards to legalities where you live, even if this map indicates it may be legal in your country. But not everyone agrees with the practice, and it definitely does have some downsides. In Mexico it is prohibited but it does not prevent the owners from continuing to practice it, the difference is that now they end up doing it clandestinely, I just got my first girl dobermen amd she is wonderful one of my friends it trying to tell me that i have to get her ears cropped do to ear infection and my pup is 8 weeks old today. Please read and research for yourself. Its unclear at this time exactly how much discomfort or pain is experienced by the dog. This pain may be manageable with pain relief, but it isnt always possible to eliminate post operative pain entirely. Shes been a challenge , but progressing nicely . However, this standard does not require the Dobermans ears to be cropped. Ear cartilage that hangs down in front of the ears can obstruct sound from entering the ear canal as efficiently as it otherwise would if the dog had erect ears. Since the age for docking (and dewclaw removal) is between 3-5 days old, and puppies are not picked out until 8+ weeks old, all our puppies will have tails docked and dewclaws removed. Having shorter, smaller ears that naturally laid back over the top of the dogs head like cropped ears will do, means there is a lesser chance of damage to the ear by a person or other dog during a conflict. Veterinarians and other animal experts have concluded that there is little benefit to ear cropping and this has to be weighed against the downsides. Most agree that the ears should be taped for a week, then untapped long enough to allow the ears to breathe and dry out, then taped back up again. I always argue this and no one can come up with a good come back! We don't like to think about it but emergencies can happen, certain events or circumstances in our lives may absolutely require us to rehome our dog. The vet would need to repair them in surgery and give antibiotics to prevent infection. Do not expect a beautiful crop without lots of support, work and commitment. The perfect home for these undesirables would be the inner canal of an ear covered by a flopping ear. ), ask for advice about who did the cropping, and learn about the amount of time and commitment it takes to train the ears to stand properly. Essentially with the cropped Doberman, the aim is to comply with show standards or are cropped because the owners like the way it makes the dog look. This actually has a function, to allow the dog to use the parallax introduced by the differential ear positioning to acquire the range of the target sound. All Rights Reserved. But there is certainly some level of pain and discomfort afterward. Many can hardly recognize a Doberman with un-cropped ears. Although rare, there is a long list of potential complications that can happen during an ear cropping procedure such as infections or even death. This surgery should performed by someone who specializes in the cropping of ears, because the expert cropping of ears is more an artistic endeavor than a technical surgical procedure such as spaying or neutering. However, owners Then the posts and bandages will need to be replaced so the ears are positioned correctly. During this time they play just as rough if not more because the cone/cup on the head looks like a very fun chew toy! They are sedated (anesthetized), cropped, and the edges are stitched up. Doberman Pinschers with cropped ears and docked tails were seen by participants as being about 13% more likely to be aggressive towards other people and dogs as compared to those with natural ears and tails (source). Cropping a Dobermans ears costs between $300 to $800 on average. She already had cropped ears and was trained. It serves no other purpose. They are likely to scar and the healing may result in unsightly abnormality of shape. The banning of ear cropping on any dogs in the USA has not taken place. Some cropping vets near us that claim to have experience since the 70's charge $825 and $725 per puppy. WebEar cropping is a surgical procedure in which a portion of the dogs ear is removed, producing a sharper and less heavy ear. Post-operation care is a time-consuming commitment. After the procedure, the dog must endure weeks of healing and pain. From a historical perspective, ear cropping among Doberman dogs has been explained by the roots from the past ages. WebThe ideal age for a Doberman is 7-9 weeks of age, before the ear cartilage begins hardening. No. They will be healed and ready for posting before they go to their new home. This process is necessary for the hardening of the cartilage and the strengthening of the muscles around and in the ear. Some vets will post and tape up the ears immediately, while others will wait until the wounds heal. For example, typically every 3 to 5 days the bandages will need to come off, posts removed, and ears cleaned. We believe she is the best european doberman ear cropping veterinarian in the united states. So you may get the occasional comment about how you mutilated your dog or how you dont care about your dog because you choose to get their ears cropped. Actually floppy ears are not a natural occurance in dogs and there predecessors. No one will have the dedication and vested interest to ensure that your puppy's ears come out nicely more than you will. If youve ever seen a fierce-looking Doberman standing guard to protect their family, chances are they had this ear style. The ears, are left natural and of an appropriate size; they are set on either side at the highest point of the skull and are ideally lying close to the cheeks.. And she had a big fenced yard. Their ears are soft and silky, and inside theyre smooth and pink. Even in the US, there are fewer veterinarians who are willing to perform this surgery and ear cropping is no longer being taught at colleges of veterinary medicine. The lycoan pictus, also known as the African wild dog, also has erect ears. When you reduce or eliminate the ability for them to use their ears to communicate how theyre feeling, it can lead to misunderstandings of behaviors. Although the ear cropping procedures can vary a bit depending on what vet you go to, the following seems to be a fairly consistent approach and experience that most Doberman have from what Ive seen. They can do this so repetitively at times, that the tips of the ear can begin to bleed and have difficulty healing. A big controversy in the European Doberman world is whether it is humane or not for a European Doberman owner to crop his puppys ears. However, I never saw anything remotely resembling pain on subsequent bandage changes, or during ear posting later on. There are those who insist that ear cropping is a part of the breeds identity. Doberman ear posting can take from a few weeks up to a year. They are presented here so you can make up your own mind. Healing is allowed for 1012 days, after which the stitches are removed. 2. The Doberman breed is a man-made creation, just like most dog breeds in existence, and they have many features that would never occur in the wild. She was wonderful with children, too! Here are some of the potential drawbacks, or downsides, to getting your Dobermans ears cropped as argued by those who are against ear cropping. And tails are needed for many functions apart from wagging or between their legs to express emotions, they are used physically for balance. As a lady, I have never had a tail, the need to be circumcised and do not have a tail nor ears that flop. Female Dobermans will reach their first heat around eight months, so seven months is definitely time to face this procedure. This is something that humans have bred with the domestication of animals. Below you can see 3 different Doberman ear styles, a short Doberman (military) crop, the longer Doberman standard show crop, and a Doberman with natural ears. You may also find Dobermans with a medium ear crop. The shape or length of the ear crop style can vary with the dogs purpose or job duties. After the cup comes off, they will need to be "posted" for several weeks or months depending on the dog and the style of crop for how long it may take. I promised this beautiful Dobe , No One here will ever hurt her . The longer the ears are left untapped, the longer it will take for them to stand on their own. If done right and with proper aftercare I dont believe it causes undue pain. Can you post a Dobermans ears without cropping? However, theres no scientific evidence to back up this claim. And even then theres no guarantee that the surgery will be a success. Second and third were. : This ear is the longest and a little narrower than the other two crops. Not any part of this process is cruel or painful, in fact it is in their best interest! All our puppies receive full support with posting instructions and feedback through our Prima Ear Posting Kit. It is not the same. A Dobermans ears are naturally floppy; without surgery a Dobermans ears will not stand up. If the puppies have not already been cropped you may be able to choose to leave your puppy with natural ears. We travel seven hours one way to Dr. Anne Midgarden to have our European Doberman puppies cropped. Both the American Veterinary Association (AVMA) and the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association oppose surgical alterations that are not for the benefit of the dog and merely for cosmetic purposes. Many pups bleeds to death because people want a different appearance than how they were born like. This is especially true outside the United States. The very first thing your puppy will want to do after being cropped is eat - which shows you how much the whole procedure actually bothers a young puppy!! Start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water. You want to feel ok with cutting up your dog and having it recover from a painful surgery that isnt necessarybecause it looks cool to you. Im cropping my Dobermans ears. Ear cropping is a surgical procedure that involves removing part of the dogs ears, usually when theyre 812 weeks old. The better news is that the recovery time for ear cropping is typically short. Also isnt it more important that the dog is taken care of for its entire life by the owner than the owner choosing to give it a Breed standard look if thats the reason they picked the dog. Cropped ears are the norm at any Doberman club gathering or kennel club events where Dobermans are present inside the United States. Secondly, they state that when the ears are erect theyre able to locate the source of sound more accurately than a dog with a dropped ear. Is that for the well being of the dog ?? We are extremely humbled to be able to use her as our main ear-cropping veterinarian. This is one more reason not to have your Dobermans ears cropped as surgery can be extremely hazardous. Floppy, cropped ears.tailsI believe that is worse. Neither of my dogs (both males) were neutered either. After 12 weeks the cartilage in the ear will have hardened and this makes it unlikely that the ears will ever stand erect. The wounds can bleed quite a bit and regular dressing changes are required to prevent infection. The definition of natural is, "existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind." Every single one of these breeds has the unnatural floppy ear trait. She was outstanding, loyal, loving, and great with children. This is their true nature at heart - to always be protecting and "working" anyways whether they are active in competition for it or not. For this reason and the following explained reasons, we fully endorse cropping and docking when done ethically by a skilled professional with proper after care and follow up. Many of those same countries have exceptions to allow cropping and docking on dogs meant to do working sport/competition such as Schutzhund. Some into old age, if you will. The operation is just the beginning. Cropping may take place before you collect your puppy, or your breeder may recommend you have the procedure carried out by your own veterinarian. During the ear cropping procedure, the Doberman puppy is anesthetized and the floppy part of the dogs ear is cut off. breed standards are perfectly fine. Our first recommendation is to make sure that ear cropping is *ONLY* be done by those who have a great deal of experience with this procedure. We have observed the cropping ourselves, it is very simple. Many people think so, and the procedure is now banned in many areas. I feel, it is a guilt trip you put responsible owners through. I want another Doberman but I dont want her to have her ears cropped. This look has caught on and now a Doberman with erect and cropped ears is widely considered to be the traditional look for a Doberman. I later read, the dogs tail is indeed used for balance. Don't just assume it is cruel or assume it looks better so it must be better. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The AVMA encourages the elimination of ear cropping and tail docking from breed standards.. If we used the "natural" logic, this breed would be eliminated because it would not be "natural" for us humans to alter or assist the way they are. Every surgery inherently involves some level of risk to your dog and for an ear cropping procedure, your Doberman will almost certainly be under full (or general) anesthesia which involves a higher level of risk. If you find yourself in the position to find a good cropping vet though, my best advice is to look up your state on the DPCA breeder referral and find breeders that are near you. Subscribe to our e-mail list so youll be notified when these big changes come! That is the steepest cost I have seen. Females will be between 50 and 60 pounds. Many still question the ethics of this procedure. Finally, this last consideration of why or why not to crop/dock is one that not many think about at all: the longterm future of your dog if he/she had to be rehomed. This is why, in a protection bred dog, the ears can be a huge liability. This is what is wrong today. In some areas this may involve considerable journeys as fewer and fewer vets are willing to carry out the procedure. Its mean and stunts the dogs well being. Sometimes a few sores still need to heal when the stitches come out. No crop it is. This is the look your dog will have for the rest of your life! Like a previous person stated, would you decide to put your son through the pain of having him circumcised?? Cons The Arguments Against Ear Cropping, 7. If there are only 1 or 2 scabs left, you can cover those with cotton and a little antibiotic powder and then tape over them. Ear cropping in modern times is almost never medically necessary. The cut edges of the ear are stitched and Soft foam blocks or posts are placed inside the ear and the ear is then taped around them to stand upright. The Proceedure is Not Always Successful, Video: Cropped vs. Natural Eared Dobermans. In fact, most wild animals that are carnivores have erect ears. WebDobermans are beautiful with natural ears as well. Or they may mature into what is known as "rose ears." Ear cropping is the process of surgically altering a dogs ears to point upright. Shorter ears are considered less likely to be injured if the dog is involved in a conflict or running through thick brush. A Doberman without ears cropped has a softer look with ears that are quite wide and floppy. Again, I would say look at nature. The vet will have a pre-surgery consultation where they discuss the style of cropping desired and verify the VWD status. This will allow you to see adult dogs (the length of their ears, the style of their crops, etc. Timing will vary, but taping typically lasts about 6 months and it can take as long as a year for a long crop. WebRECOMMENDED: 25 Dazzling Doberman Mixes. My second was a rescue from the shelter and about 1.5 years old. How cropped ears are perceived by the kennel clubs inside the United States and other parts of the world are in stark contrast to each other. Something which the Doberman is already prone to having. They have only made it possible for dogs with the natural look of floppy ears and a long tail to be shown in their competitions. The dog he ultimately created through selective breeding is the dog we know today as the Doberman. You dont get a dog just for its looks, its about character traits as well. Read on to find out is the appropriate age to crop a Doberman's ears. The Doberman tail is particularly thinner and susceptible to painful breaking or damage just from every day wear/use. In fact, the FCI breed standard says the following in regards to the ears. The first is that a cropped ear gives the dog an advantage when confronted with an attacker as theres less for the perpetrator to grab hold of. There can be a lot of controversy surrounding this topic so we want to be as educational and sensitive as we can. Between 7 and 10 days after cropping, the sutures will be removed, the cup changed. Dobermans often have their ears cropped to conform to breed standards, for cosmetic reasons, or for a role as a working dog. Appreciate the dogs natural appearance, its still goi g to guard your home with floppy ears! Whereas a Doberman with floppy ears is often misidentified by others as a type of hound dog, mutt, or an unknown breed. The show crop has a long, curved shape and it takes many months for the ears to stand erect as well as almost a year of proper after-care. Its like saying that short hair on dogs is a natural occurrence and therefore. Ear cropping must be carried out by a qualified veterinary surgeon under a general anesthetic. But please do consider leaving your puppys ears intact. The article states it hasnt been scientifically proven that erect ears hear better than floppy ears. There are a few cases where a veterinarian might advise that it is, and usually, this is only in the case of a severely damaged ear from an accident, dog attack, or medical condition. When uncropped, an adult Doberman has ears that naturally flop and fold over. Posting is done in a variety of ways. In my personal experience, Ive only seen what I would describe as true pain from any of my Dobermans at around the time of the first bandage change by the vet after the procedure. Human circumcision is most commonly performed for religious and/or cultural reasons, whereas dog ear cropping really is purely cosmetic, but neither are primarily medical. We have observed the cropping ourselves, it is very simple. Cosmetics, medication, tested on animals first. : This ear is a little longer and has a little less bell. I will shame you. : This ear is relatively short in length and has a wider base (bell). How do you crop a Dobermans ears? Unfortunately, it is also usually very easy for the puppy to remove the cup with regularity. Because it is so important that the pups ears remain in the cup until they are completely healed, one must be extremely vigilant during this period. The way in which you care for a cropped ear has a huge impact on whether or not that ear will ever stand properly. Posting a Dobermans ears without cropping them is rarely done and is often not successful. Doberman Planet editors pick the products and services we write about. Many breeders and professional handlers of Dobermans will say that ear cropping is a fairly painless and relatively minor procedure, however, theres an equal number of advocates who claim its painful and cruel to the animal. We also send our owners home with a posting starter pack containing a few pre cut backer rods and rolls of tape that should last until they can buy their own. We personally travel approximately 1400 miles round trip for our puppies to see the very best vet we can. Ear cropping should never be attempted at home or without anesthesia. Why do Dobermans have their ears cropped? Its relied upon by judges in breed conformation shows when rating contestants and selecting the winners. How is this in any way related to dogs ears being cropped? WebWhen Doberman puppies are born the ears are soft and floppy. The ears are then taped or sometimes glued to a post for 35 days at a time. Said it was up to me whether to do it or not and that he didnt recommend putting the pup through unnecessary pain. This shaping exposes the inside of the ear, including the ear canal. I dont want to do it but I am worried people wont take them seriously or recognize them as a guard dog. Cropping a Dobermans ears can actually be hazardous to the dogs health for a number of reasons. There is definitely a clear winner, and that would be erect ears. You dont have to take this articles advice and no one named you personally in it so why you taking so personally ? You must keep their ears clean after the procedure to prevent any infections. Look at the wolf, hyena, fox, coyote, etc and you will consistently see that mother nature has adapted these animals in the wild to have upright ears, or if the ears do come downward they are not closing off the canal in such a way that the man bred breeds of dogs of today do. In general, Dobermans and Great Danes are cropped between 8 and 10 weeks of age. Reasons a person may choose to crop To avoid injury or damage to ears due to fights with other dogs or animals; or any other injury long, Would like to see some studies of this parallax phenomenon, comparing accuracy of uncut ears against ones that have been mutilated for the sake of the owners vanity. Its obvious you dont understand DOGS. Heres whats involved afterwards. There are people who want their Doberman to appear as intimidating as possible. Adopted Daisy from the local Humane Society . Third, we are concerned about ear infection. I cant understand how people willingly puts their dog onto the surgical table. A: This will vary significantly from vet to vet. All of our European doberman puppy owners get a live demonstration of our posting method and aftercare procedures when they arrive at the kennel for pickup. I totally agree, I am an advocate for ear cropping, and I do not see cruelty or animal abuse if the surgery is done in a vet hospital equipped and with the correct care. The posts remain in the puppys ears until the ears will stand erect on their own. After we remove stitches we suggest that ears not be posted until they are completely healed of the procedure. If this is not available, just use the juice of an Aloe Leaf (or an ointment) to help heal the edges. Pit bulls need special care after this procedure. DO NOT take the ears down and let the ears hang for any length of time. Otherwise, it will likely have no bearing on your decision. In a dog that is meant to be a protector, the first impression counts. cropping doberamn doberman ear help question 1 2 3 4 Next KUN636 New Member Feb 12, 2018 #1 So they just took the stitches off and now they taped her ears up.

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