All dogs have a few basic needs regardless of their breed or background. Every dog needs to feel they have a purpose in life, something they consider their “job”.
It may not be something deep and complicated, but one activity will come into focus that they consider their purpose in life.

Its our responsibility as owners to encourage and guide them into a job that is healthy for them and, at the very least harmless, to other animals or people. A happy and well behaved dog is a dog with a life purpose!
Whatever their job is, all dogs need exercise to burn calories and deplete their pent up energy. They also need activities to stimulate their minds and good nutrition for the best overall health possible. Depending on the individual dog the amount and type of exercise will vary so do your homework and determine what is best for your dog. Keep in mind some behavior is instinctual, stemming from thousands of years of living as a wild animal and is not easy to change. Things like digging, chewing and chasing are some examples of this.
Have reasonable expectations you have for your dog and remember that a large majority of behavior problems can be solved. Also, not all “behavior” problems are just that; they may be an indication of health problems. For example, a dog who is suddenly growling or snapping when you touch his ears may have an ear infection. If you are struggling with your pet’s behavior, contact your veterinarian or local animal shelter for advice, and check out the internet, there are many free resources that can point you in the right direction when it comes to properly caring for your best friend.
A dog will give you a lifetime of unconditional love, loyalty and friendship. It really doesn’t take very much to make your dog happy, and the rewards last a lifetime. Spend time with your dog, thoroughly get to know its personality and what makes it tick. The more you hang out together the more fulfilling your life together will be.